
Jury The Magnificent

Lettre à Nikola by Hara Kaminara
For its unique and intimate gaze on the social concerns, and the way the director reveals the tragedy of migrants to her son Nikola. Her experience on the rescue boat Acquarius represents a turning point in both hers and migrants’ lives, breaking the gap between the two shores of the sea.

Turtle by Reza Akbarian
For the occasion it gives to see the world trough the eyes of a turtle, while witnessing the human brutal invasion of nature. It’s a pure cinematic fable about human greed, ignorance and violence that portraits the absolute struggle for survival.
Souvenir Souvenir by Bastien Dubois
For breaking the taboo around denial and war trauma in French post-colonial society. The film helps to build an urgent dialogue between generations. The director confronts his grand father’s past and gradually manage to relief him from its toxic memories. This intimate quest is served by a brilliant use of animation and delivers a strong message for all societies dealing with post war reality.

Looking for horses by Stefan Pavlović 
For the cinematic encounter that brings an unusual perspective on war legacy. Two different worlds enrich each other trough the process of film-making in an ironic and mirrored narration.

Radiography of a family by Firouzeh Khosrovani
In a magnificently crafted film the director shows her experience of how she got trapped in between two opposite streams of Iranian history. Through the intimate love story of parents witnessed as a child, the director softly introduces us to the collective memory. Personal archives enrich the global picture into a multi-layered narration. The film challenges the western vision of Iranian revolution.

Youth Jury

SOUVENIR, SOUVENIR by Bastien Dubois
We believe that Souvenir, Souvenir by Bastien Dubois is the best short film we have seen these days. At first glance, what struck us most was the animation itself, in particular the transition from the narrator’s face to his comics coming to life in pain. We travelled inside the narrator’s mind, experienced his own family dynamics. We experienced the torment of a story never told.

SPARTIVENTO by Marco Piccarreda
We decided to give a special mention to the film Spartivento di Piccaredda when we realised that the words in French and those in Italian, through which we wanted to describe the film, did not match. Basically, there were no words to describe it. Some called it ‘Touchant’, others ‘Sublime, delicate’. To live Spartivento, we changed the categories through which we analyse the world. We let ourselves be inspired by love, by beauty, by slowness. Each scene was, for us, a painting.

RADIOGRAPH OF A FAMILY by Firouzeh Khosrovani
The relationship between us and this film was violent. We were also guests in that house: first empty, then convivial, then sick, then dead. There were those who fell in love with it without being able to explain why, those who wanted to look the narrator in the eye and tell her that she did not need to seek approval from her parents, nor to take one side or the other. They simply went on with their lives and we, the astonished viewers, watched on. A complete film with a fluid, precise, sharp narrative.

LOOKING FOR HORSES by Stefan Pavlović
We are ecstatic. We did not ‘were’, we still are. The editing of this film made it possible for us to experience what the protagonists experienced in a different time from our own. We saw the look of a sailor, formerly a soldier, stunned by the camera. We saw the gaze of a murderer who had finally forgiven himself for his sins, in his eyes the same peace as in the lake. A confrontation between a young man and an old man, a dynamic that would seem obvious today, showed us how heartening it is to have a mentor in embracing life but also death. A story worth telling.


It is a film that speaks to us all. We wander through an innovative library in Paris, getting to know all kinds of stories and people. A beautiful look at the everyday life of others, which does not pretend to judge or interpret. A simple story that brings to life the relationship between people, allowing everyone to get ‘out of their bubble’. The humour is right, we don’t laugh at them, we laugh with them.

Audience Award

Spartivento by Marco Piccaredda
One more Jump by Emanuele Gerosa

Jury Il Camino

Les gestes de Saint-Louis by Kita Bauchet (Short competition)
A culture like the African culture cannot be put on the margins of life by taking all culture away from it because it is Mother Africa and it has given us everything we have today. This film shows us that culture with art and lightness.

Masques by Olivier Smolders (Short competition) 
Discussing with my colleagues, we saw in the film, the masks that each of us wears every day, to defend ourselves from our fears, from the fears of others, to defend ourselves from what happens to us every day. Everyone wears a mask. I have many masks. Then there are those who wear masks to cover their wounds, of man’s stupidity and of war. He covers his face with a mask because he is forced to in order to hide the horrors that human beings are able.

Jury Faito DOC Camp

The Call of the Wild by Karolina Peroutková (School Competition)

Dernier Voyage au Laos by Manon Saysouk (School Competition)